Compeed Cold Sore Patch 15

- Clinically proven.
- Speeds cold sore healing.
- Reduces tingling, itching, burning, redness and swelling.
- Relieves pain.
- Reduces scabbing or crusting.
- Hides cold sore instantly.
- Protects wound.
- Reduces risk of contamination from the cold sore lesion.
Compeed Cold Sore Patch is a clinically proven cold sore treatment. It begins to work as soon as it is applied and is clinically proven to heal cold sore lesion fast.
Compeed Cold Sore Patch hides a cold sore instantly, causing significantly less social embarrassment. It also relieves pain, tingling, itching, burning, redness and swelling. Make-up, lipstick or sunscreen can be applied over the patch.
Compeed Cold Sore Patch seals and protects the wound, repelling water and potentially infection-causing bacteria. By applying Compeed Cold Sore Patch, we also reduce the risk of passing on the cold sore virus from the cold sore lesion, both to other people and to parts of own body.
Compeed Cold Sore Patch uses Hydrocolloid-075 particles. Hydrocolloid-075 is used in some of the most cutting-edge patent pending wound care technologies.
Wash your hands. Ensure your skin is clean and dry. Do not use in combination with cream, as the patch may no longer stick to the wound and will not provide full treatment benefits.
Apply the patch onto the cold sore lesion.
Compeed Cold Sore Patches should be used 24 hours a day until the sore is healed. A patch will naturally start to detach after approximately 8 hours and should then be replaced with a new one.
To remove the patch, loosen it at the edge. use both hands to hold loosened edge of patch. Stretch the patch sideways, pulling hands apart as it is peeled away.