Replacement Cartridges for Pure Hydration and pH UNDER


Full set of 5 cartridges for Pure Hydration and pH UNDER (Includes 2 x No.3 cartridges, replaced approx. every 3 months).

Stage 1 Cartridge: rated at 6-months, effectively pre-filters incoming water and removes rust and sediment.
Stage 2 Cartridge: rated at 6-months, designed to reduce odor, chlorine, and organic matter.
Stage 3 Cartridge: rated at 3-months, creates high pH and molecular hydrogen (H2) rich water while increasing ORP and further reducing odor and contaminants.
Stage 4 Cartridge: rated at 6-months, designed to capture micro-particles and serves as a finishing cartridge.

Stages 1,2 & 4 are rated at 6 months or 2,272 liters
Stage 3 is rated at 3 months or  1,136 liters

Reduces over 220 water contaminates found in water supplies by 99.9%           (Source water quality, plays a big role in any ionizer’s performance and can increase and decrease the pH rating, ORP reduction, molecular hydrogen count, and rated filter life). Replacement Warranty: 15 days

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