Granola - Dark Chocolate (Yum Granola)


This YUM Dark Chocolate Granola is the absolute best, grain-free, refined sugar free treat. It is a heavenly combo of coconut, dark chocolate, hazelnuts, chia and goji berries. It is dark chocolate in the best of ways as YUM make the choc themselves from organic cacao. Not too sweet as the only sugar is natural (local) honey. It is perfect for topping smoothie bowls, for a after dinner treat or a nutritious break combined with coconut yoghurt and fruit.

YUM Granola originated from down here in Hawea, now it's produced by Sarah and the team in Nelson. Check out their awesome 'Honesty Box' scheme they run up in Nelson which we love.

We have worked out a way with YUM that we can receive their product with absolutely no waste! We receive their Granola into big reused and washed bulk containers and then we reuse these over and over.

Product origin: New Zealand
Ingredients: Coconut, honey (from down the road), cacao, coconut oil, hazelnuts, goji berries, sunflower seeds, ground linseed, chia seeds, Marlborough sea salt
Allergy warning: Contains nuts and seeds

Honest Wholefood Co
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