Combo = Copper Thermette + Foraging Guides Bundle


Optimize your off-grid experience with this comprehensive package that combines shipping costs. The ultimate off-grid package includes:

- 1 x Thermette and accessories
- Foraging Guide Bundle (comprising three distinct foraging guides to enhance your foraging knowledge – explore the 'Foraging Guides' listing for more details on these invaluable reference books). Experience the ingenuity of the Original Copper Thermette, a remarkable Kiwi invention conceived by John A. Hart in 1929.

Known by various names such as 'chuffer,' 'kelly kettle,' and 'Benghazi boiler,' the Thermette is an essential companion for outdoor enthusiasts. With the ability to boil water in just 2 minutes and cook meals in the wild, this versatile cooker relies solely on small sticks and twigs for fuel.

The Thermette's rapid water-boiling capability is attributed to its proven design, featuring a unique cone-shaped internal wall that efficiently distributes heat across a large surface area surrounded by water. Similar to a rocket stove, the heat is funneled from the bottom up through the top, simultaneously reaching the upper section for cooking meals in a pot or pan.

Bid farewell to the hassle of carrying or purchasing cooking fuel – simply gather dry twigs and ignite them with a lighter or matches.

A true outdoor companion, the Thermette accompanies me everywhere, facilitating the creation of wild infusions (wild herbal teas) and cooking meals during camping trips. Its lightweight design ensures easy portability, and it remains effective even on wet days.

The Thermette offers versatility – boil water in the body (in just 2 minutes!) or add the cooking ring on top to hold a pot and heat food or water simultaneously.

Each order includes:

- 1 x Solid Copper Thermette
- 1 x Cooking ring (for holding a pot on top)
- 1 x Galvanized fire ring (placed at the bottom to create your fire)


- Height – 38cm tall
- Weight – 1.7kg
- Water volume – 2.2 liters

This extraordinary Kiwi invention is so renowned that the New Zealand Army has been utilizing Thermettes (also known as chuffers) for years!

For any inquiries, please reach out to

Comments from my social media post about Thermettes: "I love mine They are the best ! Heat water so so fast ! Cook whatever fish I catch with it. Make a cuppa on the beach. Even in wind ! It’s safe even in fire bans with some common sense "
"Boils water faster than the electric jug"

"As a child, our family camped in the old canvas tents with real wood poles! Used a thermette all the time! fantastic invention! Thank you for that nemory! In my 60s now" "We were brought up using these. They are like gold having them"

"My mum and dad had one we use to use. Loved it. We have one that we used with our kids when camping. They are brilliant."

"I love mine. When the power goes out I actually get excited…"

"Love my thermette, they're a great tradition"

"Absolutely brilliant, had 1 50yrs ago when we were kids n it was awesome. Great memories"

Homegrown Botanica
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