PREORDER: Wild Edible Weeds Foraging Guide


PREORDER : Wild Edible Weeds Foraging Guide ~ hardcopy, couriered to your doorstep.

Learn about 6 Abundant, Easy to find & use edible wild weeds growing prolifically throughout the year.

Foraging is an empowering way to independently source your own local, fresh, seasonal food & medicine. Edible weeds are incredibly abundant in our wild environments & many of them are full of vitamins, minerals, and medicinal properties.

This A5 booklet foraging guide will give you a kick start into foraging for wild edible weeds. Focusing on 6 edible weeds which are abundantly found all over & in temperate regions of the world (inculding Australia, North America, Europe).

The guide covers:

- Foraging basics

- Sustainable Foraging practices

- Detailed & comprehensive information for each covering:

- Accurate Identification & tips, including how to distinguish from common lookalikes

- Nutritional & Medicinal information

- How to prepare as food & medicine with Easy to follow Recipes

- Lots of very detailed, high quality photographs of each plant at different stages in it's life cycle (to help with accurate ID).

- Folklore & History of the plant, not only is this fascinating but will help you to remember each plant.

The plants in this guide are: Plantain, Stinging Nettle, Dock, Sheep Sorrel, Catsear, Puha. Chosen because of their abundance all over the country throughout the year, as well as their multiple food & medicine uses.

This guide is suitable for absolute beginners, and is intended to give you enough information & confidence to begin your foraging journey on your own. Seasoned foragers would also enjoy this book given the extensive nutritional & medicinal information as well as the fascinating folklore.

Whilst I've written this book specifically for those foraging in New Zealand, and all of these plants are found abundantly in NZ, they're also abundantly found in Australia, Europe, North America and many other temperate regions. All of the mentioned 'weeds' were introduced into by the Europeans, so have come at some point in their history via Europe.

Homegrown Botanica
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