Ruby Taylor on Gender Equality - 1000 piece puzzle


More copies due mid-April

Our first puzzle to be stocked! During the last couple of years, we have fallen in love with puzzles as a great way to de-stress and unwind. So it's only natural that Tash has stumbled across some to stock.

This is a 1000 piece puzzle, sure to bring some bright equal delight to your life.

In support of UN Women Australia, Ruby Taylor invites you to explore a society where all people have equal rights and opportunity. A community where the glass ceiling is smashed, the gender pay gap is a thing of the past and toxic masculinity goes straight into the recycling.

In a world where no country has achieved gender equality, this is what we can aspire to build. Take a walk down Unstereotype Avenue, meet the respected-at-work women in Violence-Free Alley, marvel at the smashed glass ceiling in Equal Pay Street and shop for sustainable fashion in Climate Action Street. Don’t miss the Toxic Masculinity Recycling Plant where ‘men don’t cry’ and ‘boys will be boys’ are recycled into inclusive language and respect.

holland road yarn
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