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  • $19.50 +
    Bee Kind Eczema & Psoriasis Soothing Relief Lotion Bars
    ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONSize: 80gApplication: For use in the shower, or out - The preference is yours. Only use on affected areas of skin, as this is not intended to be used like soap would. Rub the solid lotion bar in your hands before use, your body heat will melt it, and enjoy the soothing relief. ...
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  • $16 +
    Bee Kind Natural Shampoo Bar
    ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONSize: 80gYou will feel the difference these bars make, they will gently cleanse without stripping natural oils from the hair, creating healthier locks and a much longer lasting effect. When you first start using shampoo bars your hair may rebel a little from years of chemical u...
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  • $15 +
    Bee Kind NO MORE LICE- Natural Shampoo Bar
    ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONSize:80gWhat's not to love about a natural shampoo bar?These beauties are economic (equivalent of 2 bottles of standard shampoo), plastic and packaging free. Because they are in a solid form there is no need for chemical additives and preservatives- no SLS, no nasties! Gentle o...
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  • $43.50 +
    Vaccination Support
    DOSINGA dose consists of 2 pumps of remedy onto the tongue.Babies and Children 5 years or youngerWe recommend selecting the sweet glycerine base for this age group.Dose:Give 1 pump orally on to the gums or tongue starting the morning of the vaccination and repeating each day for a further 3 days aft...
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  • $38 +
    Bee Kind Radiance Face Oil
    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Size: 15ml Use daily on the face or scar tissue, or as often as needed. Every product in Bee Kind natural range contains a good proportion of a unique Native Botanical Plant Extract known for its healing or moisturising properties. This range is 100% Plant Based with NO toxic ...
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  • $40 +
    Bee Kind Glowing Body Oil
    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Size: 100mlEvery product in Bee Kind natural range contains a good proportion of a unique Native Botanical Plant Extract known for its healing or moisturising properties. This range is 100% Plant Based with NO toxic ingredients! Bee Kind used a blend of plant extracts, organic...
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  • $38 +
    Bee Kind Anti-Ageing Eye Cream
    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Size: 30ml Every product in our natural range contains a good proportion of a unique Native Botanical Plant Extract known for its healing or moisturising properties. We can proudly say this range is 100% Plant Based with NO toxic ingredients! We used a blend of plant extracts,...
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  • $51.25 +
    Dr Kirichuk's Traditional Propolis Extract
    ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONSize: 30mlWhat is Propolis:This sticky, brown substance is collected by honeybees from tree buds, the resins are full of plant bioactives. In a hive it is used by the bees for the purposes of protection and sterilisation of the beehive. The human science has still been unable t...
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  • $43.50 +
    DOSINGDose: Take 2 drops on the tongue twice daily for two weeks then reduce to once a day as needed.For those special romantic occasions or weekends away, take twice daily beginning a day or two beforehand.If you’re surprised by the partner of your dreams, take 2 doses 10 minutes apart. ADDITIONA...
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  • $43.50 +
    Natural Man
    DOSINGStart by taking 2 drops on the tongue twice daily for two weeks then reduce dosing to once a day, or stop completely if no longer needed.For extra support, take 1-2 doses in the hour leading up to an expected romantic occasion.For those spontaneous occasions, take 2 doses 10 minutes apart.For ...
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  • $43.50 +
    Natural Woman
    DOSINGDose: Take 2 doses in the hours leading up to sexual activity and 2-3 doses afterwards if feeling tender. Continue with 2-3 doses the following day if symptoms are still present. ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONOral drops available in sweet glycerine base or alcohol base.Safe, non-toxic ingredientsSafe ...
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  • $43.50 +
    Sol Plus - People
    DOSINGHOW TO DOSEDrink Bottle: 2 pumps, shake well. (volumes 0 – 1 litre) For larger volumes add an extra 1 pump per 500ml.Sip from bottle at least once per hour when in the sun.Dosing on to the tongue:Children 0-10 years, 1 pump per dose.Ages 11 – 100 years, 2 pumps per dose.Allow half an hour ...
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  • $43.50 +
    Puffiness Plus - People
    DOSINGWHEN TO DOSESwelling Present:Most people dose with Puffiness Plus – People when they experience swelling or oedema and continue dosing until symptoms have resolved.Ahead of Time eg FlightsYou can dose ahead of time if you are about to embark on a period of sitting for a long time such as whe...
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