Reawakened - Traditional navigators of Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa


This book features interviews with 10 master navigators who trained under Mau Piailug (1932-2010), the legendary teacher of traditional, non-instrument wayfinding methods for open-ocean voyaging across the Pacific. They were given the status of master navigator by Mau through the Pwo ceremony, and went on to become an integral part of the renaissance of knowledge and traditions around voyaging. The ten navigators include three from Aotearoa New Zealand, Hec Busby, Piripi Evans, and Jack Thatcher; two from the Cook Islands, Peia Patai, Teuatakiri Tearutua Arthur (Tua) Pittman; and five from Hawai i, Nainoa Thompson, Chad Kalepa Baybayan, Shorty Bertelmann, Bruce Blankenfeld and Chad Onohi Paishon.

Hine Raumati Whangrei
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