Congratulations with Visa Prezzy Card

Congratulations Cookie Gift Box with Visa Prezzy Card

Saying well done with cookies goes down a heck load sweeter than with words. Choose your celebratory message/s from the options and send your congrats on their way.

If you require this box sooner than the next available delivery date, please email us as this box is able to be sent on the day its ordered, if ordered before 2pm.

‘Congrats Cookie Box’ details:

Choose between the below options.

Your cookies will arrive in a H&C gift box.

6 x Text Cookies, Half Shortbread, Half Gingerbread

1 x Visa Prezzy Card - ($30, $50 and $100 available)
Select value with dropdown.

$5.95 Prezzy Card processing fee added in price.

These cookies are standard and can not be customised. For our custom cookies, Congrats Personalised Cookie Gift. Delivery and Auckland Same Day

Hello & Cookie
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