Low-fibre day on a plate for diverticulitis

Author: Kathleen Alleaume - BAppSc (ExPhys), MSc, Nutrition Healthy Food Guide Save to favs Log in now in to enjoy this feature Favs List PRINT

Diverticular disease is a common digestive condition that sometimes calls for changes to fibre in the diet. Healthy Food Guide nutritionist Kathleen Alleaume shares tips for a healthy low-fibre menu. What is diverticular disease?

If you’re among the one in three people over the age of 45 who have been diagnosed with diverticular disease, you’ll be familiar with the need to alter your diet when it comes to fibre.

Increasing fibre intake by eating plenty of fruit and veg can help the disease, but if it develops into the inflammatory condition diverticulitis,
a short-term low-fibre diet may be necessary.

Diverticular disease consists of two states together: diverticulosis and diverticulitis.

Diverticulosis occurs when small, bulging pouches called diverticula form in the wall of the colon. Most people don’t have symptoms.


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