Is it time to rethink fruit juice?

Author: Jess Burvill - BNutDiet (Hons) Healthy Food Guide Save to favs Log in now in to enjoy this feature Favs List PRINT

Fruit juice has been demoted from counting as a fruit serve to sugary drink status in the past decade. But was the downgrade unfair? Healthy Food Guide dietitian Jess Burvill finds out.

Once hailed as a healthy beverage, fruit juice has faced increasing criticism in recent years. Health experts caution against regular consumption of juice, due to its higher concentration of sugar and lower fibre content when compared with whole fruit. The juicing process separates the natural sugars in fruit from the fibre-rich pulp and skins, turning them into free sugars which are more rapidly absorbed.

With growing awareness of how excess sugars contribute to obesity and metabolic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, in 20 5 the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended that free sugars should make up less than 0 per cent of our daily energy intake — about 0 teaspoons .....

Healthy Food Guide
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