The health benefits of fennel

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Fragrant fennel has served as a medicinal herb and culinary staple vegetable since ancient Green and Roman times. With a flavour reminiscent of licorice or aniseed, the seeds, bulb and fronds can be eaten. Here are five health benefits of eating fennel. Skin support

Fennel is a good source of beta carotene and vitamin C, both of which are important for keeping our skin healthy. 2 Digestive aid

Pleasant tasting fennel seeds are known for their digestive properties, providing relief from indigestion, bloating and constipation. They can be chewed as a natural breath freshener. 3 Bone booster

Fennel contains nutrients important for bone health like calcium, phosphate, manganese, Vitamin K, iron and zinc. 4 Heart health

Rich in fibre, potassium and other heart-healthy nutrients, fennel can help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and protect against heart disease. 5 Culi....

Healthy Food Guide
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