Ask the experts: Cholesterol in seafood

Author: Claire Turnbull - Registered Nutritionist, BSc (Hons) Dietetics Healthy Food Guide Save to favs Log in now in to enjoy this feature Favs List PRINT

Q: "Can you please tell me what the cholesterol level is for mussels, and shellfish in general?" Wayne

A: Nutritionist Claire Turnbull responds:

"There are different types of cholesterol found in the body. The two main types are:

- LDL cholesterol – the bad one which can clog up your body vessels.
- HDL cholesterol – the good one which helps get rid of the bad cholesterol.

Cholesterol is naturally made in your body and some is needed to keep our bodies working, including keeping our cells healthy and making essential hormones. The health issue comes when our lifestyle (unhealthy food and not enough exercise) encourages our body to produce far more of the unhealthy cholesterol, which is known to increase the risk of heart disease.

Although some foods are known to contain cholesterol, ...

Healthy Food Guide
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