AIM BarleyLife - Health Seekers

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AIM BarleyLife is an all-natural, green barley grass juice powder concentrate that helps provide the daily nutrition you need to develop a strong foundation for your good health.

Whole body health is achieved when all body systems are in balance.

AIM BarleyLife is available in a number of varieties:
AIM BarleyLife powder, AIM BarleyLife Xtra powder (with 18 different fruits and vegetables), AIM BarleyLife capsules (vegan), and AIM BarleyLife Sample Packs. Green Barley grass juice powder concentrate —
a wide spectrum of potent nutrients

Research in the late 20th century revealed that young barley grass is the most nutritious of the green grasses. While barley has been used as a grain since ancient times, the value of barley as a grass was overlooked. Japanese researchers discovered that the young, green barley grass was an incredibly
complete source of nutrition, containing a wide spectrum of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, enzym...

Health Seekers
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