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$30Palo Santo - Smudge KitCleanse Purify ProtectUse the smoke of ethically and sustainably harvested Peruvian Palo Santo to purify and invite positive energy into your space. Smudging is a way to energetically cleanse and purify your space, inviting in positive energy. Found in many cultures and spiritual religions, the smok...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$80Golden Healer Quartz Crystal Candle - PassionPassion Expansion AmplifyingIlluminate your path with Golden Healer Quartz, a radiant gem that blends golden hues with profound healing energy. This exquisite crystal cleanses and purifies physically, emotionally, and spiritually, restoring balance and inner harmony. It amplifies intentions, connects to higher realms, and nurtures spiritual growth, providing clarity and guidance.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$80Green Calcite Crystal Candle - VitalityRenew Balance VitalityAllow the soothing energy of Green Calcite to quiet fears and promote a sense of harmony, allowing you to reconnect with your true self. Light this crystal candle and tap into your inner magic. By aiding in the process of self-reclamation, Green Calcite can help you remember your natural state of being.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$15Selenite Wand - Cleanse - MediumCleansing Calming PeacefulThe perfect addition to your altar or meditation space, these Selenite wands are a powerful cleanser. Its ability to purify your aura supports you in fully aligning with your purpose. It freshens energy and is the perfect crystal to start your collection.Each crystal is uni...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$110Black Moonstone - Psychic - MediumAdventurous Grounding Psychic With its unique iridescent sheen and black colour, you can't help but be pulled into the energy of this crystal. Black Moonstone provides protection from negative energies and supports us with grounding and centring. Associated with the third eye and crown chakras, it i...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$75Jade Towers - Abundance - MediumAbundance Luck CalmJade is a highly valued gemstone with a long history of use in many cultures. This beautiful stone promotes calm, abundance, and good luck. This crystal is also known for its ability to promote emotional balance and stability. It's supportive in reducing stress and promoting feeli...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$45Aquamarine Crystal Candle - RejuvinateREJUVENATION STATIONCRYSTAL: AQUAMARINEAquamarine is your oasis of calm. Its gentle, flowing energy washes away stress and strain, leaving you with inner peace and mental rejuvenation. Like the ocean waves, it carries negativity away, ushering in peace. Use this crystal to connect with your true nat...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$45Mookaite Jasper Crystal Candle - StrengthSTRONG FOUNDATIONSCRYSTAL: MOOKAITEMookaite is a stunning gemstone found in Australia. This crystal is known for its powerful grounding energy, which helps you feel more centred and balanced. Mookaite promotes self-confidence, intuition, and spiritual growth. Connected to the root chakra, which gove...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$79Moonstone Dream Crystal Candle -PeaceAT PEACE AND IN FLOWCRYSTAL: MOONSTONEMoonstone supports new beginnings and provides the space for inner growth and strength. Moonstone soothes emotional instability and stabilises your emotions, providing a sense of deep calm. Lean into your intuition and let inspiration take hold of you. A Clear Quartz tumble amplifies these energies and your intentions.Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$80Amethyst Crystal Candle - RelaxationRELAX AND BREATHECRYSTAL: AMETHYST Amethyst is a stunningly beautiful crystal with a violet hue that has been used for centuries to promote a calm and serene space. It is believed to have the ability to shield you from negative energies and promote spiritual well-being. Amethyst unlocks the doors to...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$80Aquamarine Crystal Candle -RejuvinateREJUVENATION STATIONCRYSTAL: AQUAMARINEAquamarine is your oasis of calm. Its gentle, flowing energy washes away stress and strain, leaving you with inner peace and mental rejuvenation. Like the ocean waves, it carries negativity away, ushering in peace. Use this crystal to connect with your true nat...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$80Clear Quartz Crystal Candle -FocusTHE MASTER HEALERCRYSTAL: CLEAR QUARTZClear Quartz is a crystal of amplification, enhancing the energy of other stones and our intentions. It brings unparalleled clarity to the mind, helping you see through confusion and find purpose. Its pristine energy purifies negative energies, making it an esse...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$80Howlite Crystal Candle -PatienceTHE STONE OF AWARENESSCRYSTAL: HOWLITEIn a world as busy as ours, we must set aside time for stillness. When anxiety comes knocking on your door, follow Howlite's cue and take a breath. Slow down. Let your stress calm. This crystal soothes an overactive mind, making it an ideal companion for meditat...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0