Stir Fry Sprouting Combo (organic) - 500g or 1kg


Sprouting Seeds - Stir Fry Blend (Organic) - 500g & 1kgThis mix is one of our all time favourites, and we sprout them often. It contains a unique blend of quick growing legumes, grown specifically for addition to stir-fry right at the end of cooking. However they are also wonderful added raw to salads, bringing a unique flavour blend and texture to any salad.

Legumes are noted for having high levels of dietary fibre, they are well known to be good sources of essential minerals like calcium and iron. Sprouted legumes are considered to be the most nutritionally active and are easily assimilated by your body.

Yield: 1 gram of seed will produce 7g of sprouts.

Ingredients: Certified Organic Seeds - Adzuki (Vigna angularis), Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) , Lentil (Lens culinaris), Mung (Vigna radiata) and Pea (Pisum sativum)

Certification: BioGro Organic

Happy and Healthy
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