Sprouting Lentil Seeds (Organic) - 100g, 500g or 1kg

Sprouting Lentil Seeds (Organic) - 100g, 500g & 1kg

Just like mung beans, you can't go wrong with these little legumes! Lentils have an excellent flavour and crunch. Lentils are a good choice for the sprouting novice, as they're easy to grow. They make a great addition to any salad, casserole, soups, sandwich or curry.

Sprouting lentils before cooking them or adding them to salads enhances their nutrition in several ways. First of all, it is thought that sprouted lentils are easier to digest - Lentils contain phytic acid, which can be difficult to digest. Sprouting neutralises the phytic acid, which means more vitamins and minerals can be absorbed by your body as they’re digested.

Secondly, protein is generally increased during sprouting while carbohydrates are generally decreased. Micronutrients such as B vitamins are enhanced as is the bioavailability of some minerals.

Yield: 1 cup of lentils = 2-4 cups of sprouts

Ingredients: Certified Organic Lentil S...

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