Rolled Oats, Jumbo (Ceres, organic, bulk) - 11.3kg

Organic Jumbo Rolled Oats (Wholegrain, Bulk) - 12kg or 25kg

Organic oats are versatile and make delicious porridge for a warm breakfast bowl topped with fresh fruit and a touch of rice or apple syrup. They’re also great in homemade muesli bars, biscuits and muffins.

The nutritional profile of oats is essentially the same, whether they are left whole, cut, rolled, or ground. So what’s the difference? It’s really down to texture, cooking time and personal preference – jumbo for chewy or quick for creamy.

Ingredients: Certified Organic Whole Grain Oats

Origin: Canada

Certification: Pro-Cert Organic (22.6kg), BioGro Organic (11.3kg

Happy and Healthy
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