Chia Ground Organic Powser

Ceres Ground Chia / Chia Powder (Organic) - 500g

Chia’s reputation as a high energy endurance food goes back to the ancient Aztecs. This super food, with its nutlike flavour, has an impressive nutritional payload that belies its tiny stature. Ground organic chia seeds (salvia hispanica) have all the benefits of regular chia seeds but are ground up to make it easier to use for cooking and baking

It is known to be high in dietary fibre and a good source of essential fatty acids. It’s so easy to use — simply add to your breakfast cereal, sprinkle over salad, use in baking or blend into smoothies and juices for a nutritious drink.

Ingredients: Certified Organic Chia Seeds

Origin: Made in New Zealand from imported ingredients (South America)

Certification: BioGro Organic

Happy and Healthy
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