Mepps - Aglia Single Hook Spinner No. 3

The Mepps Aglia spinner is the original spinner from France and holds the title of the World's #1 Lure. More trophy fish have been caught with the Mepps Aglia than with any other lure. Its widespread popularity among fishermen globally is due to its effectiveness in catching nearly all freshwater fish and many saltwater species.
Lure size plays a crucial role in fishing success. A general guideline is to use smaller lures for smaller fish and larger lures for bigger catches. Remember that plain spinners have a smaller profile compared to dressed spinners, making them appear smaller to fish. This quality makes them ideal for targeting panfish and small stream trout. While dressed spinners can yield larger fish, plain spinners tend to result in more catches when fishing for stream trout.
Plain Treble and Single Hook
Aglias in sizes #1 and #2 are excellent for larger stream trout, as well as big bluegills, sunfish, and crappies. Size #2 Aglias are also effective for smallmouth bass and walleye. These sizes are particularly suitable for teaching children the fundamentals of spinner fishing, as they are heavy enough for effective casting with light tackle, yet small enough to attract a diverse range of fish.
Sizes #4 and #5 Aglias are perfect for targeting large rainbow trout and steelhead, along with coho (silver) and chinook (king) salmon.
For fishing in the Lake Taupo area, we recommend size #3 as a versatile option for trout. Mepps single hook Aglias can be utilized almost anywhere that single hook lures are permitted.