Terra Flores 5 Litre Canna
Canna’s Terra Flores, flowering nutrients for cultivating in peat based potting mixes. Canna Terra Flores can be used for cultivating in both pots & the ground, indoor and outdoor. The biggest advantages of growing in potting mixes are its ease of use and the tolerant nature of this medium, as a result of which small deviations in the feeding given do not have to have serious consequences for the yield. However, one disadvantage is that different types of potting mixes retain different nutritional elements which make precise control of the nutrient dosage difficult. Even though Terra nutrients have been developed to overcome these problems and gives good results with every type of potting mix, Canna has created it’s own. Canna Terra Professional growing media promotes exceptional growth & root development and keeps disease rates low. Among other things, these characteristics make Canna’s own potting mix particularly suitable for short cycle and fast growing crops. User Instructions
- Shake bottle well before use
- Dissolve 50 ml concentrate per 10 litre (1:200)
- The EC of Canna Terra Flores dissolved in (tap) water varies between 0.9 - 1.6 mS/cm2 (= the solution EC the water EC)
- Recommended pH: 5.8 - 6.2 Storage, health & safety and other directions
- Canna developed Terra Flores specially for the flowering phase of the plant
- Over-fertilisation has a negative effect on the substrate, the plant and nature in general
- Store closed in a dark and frost-proof place (UV light breaks down iron chelates in the nutrient)
- Keep out of reach of children