Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers (Switch)

Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers takes players back to where itall began, and with a host of new control options, multiple game modes, onlineplay and the inclusion of Lite controls for newcomers, friends will be able toexperience Street Fighter in a whole new way. When the Nintendo Switch consoleis docked and by simply removing both Joy-Con controllers from the console,friends can fight for glory from the comfort of their living room, or put theirdifferences aside and team up against the CPU in Buddy Battle. And the NintendoSwitch console can be carried anywhere, empowering warriors to test their mightin cafes, at train stations, and any other location to battle all-comers, simplyby standing the console upright using the stand and handing a Joy-Con to anopponent.
On top of the 17 classic characters returning to compete in the second WorldWarrior tournament, powerful new additions Violent Ken and Evil Ryu both jointhe roster. Violent Ken, who has been brainwashed by M. Bison, and Evil Ryu, theform Ryu takes after succumbing to darkness, are perfect for those that like ahighly aggressive playing style. Once players have selected their preferredfighter, they can enjoy a number of modes:
- In Arcade mode, a single player must defeat 12 warriors on the path tobecoming the World Warrior champion
- Prepare for intense co-op battles as two friends can team up in Buddy Battleto throw down new two-player combos and attack their opponents fromboth sides
- Fight locally against a friend or against the CPU in Versus mode
- Go online and fight against the best players across the mode in eitherranked or casual matches
- Brush up on old skills – or learn new ones – in the training modebefore taking on new challengers
- In the brand new mode called Way of the Hado, players can play a uniquefirst-person mode and experience what it’s like to be Ryu. By using motioncontrols to perform moves, players can fight off an onslaught of opponents usingthe iconic Shoryuken (dragon punch), Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (hurricane kick), andRyu’s fireball super combo, Shinku Hadoken
For those new to Street Fighter who are looking to level the playing fieldagainst more experienced players, there’s an option to switch between Liteand Pro controls. Lite controls let players perform special moves or supercombos by either touching the touch screen or pressing a single button, whereastraditional Pro controls offer all the classic button inputs engrained intoplayers’ muscle memory. The game also supports the Nintendo Switch ProController, available separately.
Regardless of their experience level, all players can fight in style by usingthe Colour Editor to customise the colour scheme of their favourite character,giving them their ideal look. Enter the style settings and select between newhigh-definition visuals for a modern look, or select classic graphics andwitness Street Fighter II just as it was in the arcades. Fight fans can relivetheir favourite local matches and show off their best combos to impressedpassers-by with the replay feature. Take a break from brawling and visit thegallery, which includes over 1,400 highly detailed illustrations fromthroughout the Street Fighter series, taken from the out-of-print Street FighterArtworks: Supremacy book.