Gorilla Gaming Replacement Ring-Con and Leg Strap for Ring Fit

Gorilla Gaming Replacement Ring-Con and Leg Strap forRing Fit
- Made of durable carbon fiber.
- Built to withstand thousands of stretches and squeezes during workouts.
- Slide Rail Design for Joy-Con: Easy installation and holds the Joy-Consecure.
Package Includes:
- Ring Con
- 2 x Ring Con grips
- Velcro Leg Strap (fits up to 60cm)
Here at Gorilla Gaming, we're massive gamers and understand how importantit is that your gear never lets you down when you're gunning for that clutchvictory. Whether you're looking for an extra edge over the competition or wantto add some colour and style to your gaming station, Gorilla Gaming is here tosatisfy your every gaming need.
Plug into Gorilla Gaming now and you'll be popping headshots and victoryroyales like never before, shouting “GG" all day long!
All Gorilla Gaming gear is thoughtfully conceived, designed and tested inNew Zealand by our most avid gaming monkeys.