Ys X: Nordics Deluxe Edition (PS5)

Ys X: Nordics Deluxe Edition includes:
- Digital Soundtrack
- Mini Art Book
A milestone entry in the legendary Ys series, Ys X: Nordics offersexhilarating, fast-paced
combat, a moving story of unlikely allies, and naval exploration across thevibrant Obelia Gulf.
Following their tenuous encounter at sea, the young red-haired adventurerAdol Christin and the proud pirate Karja Balta find themselves bound byfate – and the mysterious power of Mana! As they search for a way to undo themystical ties that bind them, they soon find themselves caught up in a conflictbetween two factions: the seafaring warriors known as the Normans and theenigmatic and seemingly immortal Griegr. In order to save the people of ObeliaGulf, Adol and Karja must navigate the depths of their unexpected bond and thepower that it grants them.
- Two Heroes, One Story: Bound by unexpected circumstances, the youngadventurer Adol and the Norman pirate Karja must work together to determine thefate of Obelia Gulf and its people.
- Cross Action System: Swap between controlling Adol and Karja independentlyor together. Combine their unique strengths to overcome enemies, and build upthe Revenge Gauge to unleash devastating attacks.
- The Power of Mana: Harness the unique abilities of Mana to overcomechallenges. Grapple and slide through dungeons, demolish obstacles, create newplatforms, and uncover hidden treasures and critical points.
- Sailor’s Delight: The sailing ship known as the Sandras takes yourexploration to new levels. Ocean travel, naval battles, and discoveringuncharted islands are all made possible with this seaworthy vessel