50 PACK - Super Bright Glow Bracelets

The Brightest Glow Bracelets you'll find!

1mm thicker than the 5mm assorted which corresponds to a 44% increase in the glow bracelets volume and light production! These are big, thick, bright bracelets with reliable connectors. Experience the difference today

We love working with schools and they love these Super Bright Glow Bracelets! Selling glow sticks at a school disco is a great way to fundraise. Generally you can sell these for $1-$1.50 each, which can be over 300% profit! 

Quantity: 50 Assorted Glow Bracelets per Tube, 6mm thick - Super Bright! Comes with 50 connectors included.

These are sold in multiples of 50, so if you buy 2, we'll send you 100, if you by 5, we'll send you 250.

Colours: Pink, Green, Blue, Orange, Purple and Yellow

Life: 6mm bracelets typically glow for around 3-6hrs at full intensity, glowing for around 10 hours in total.

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