

- developed for CrossFit athletes to help prevent hands from ripping and slipping on the pull-up bar.

It is applied directly to the pull-up bar, eliminating the need for bulky gloves or grips, tape, or constant re-chalking. It has the perfect balance of stick and give to allow for more work without breaking, while giving just enough to prevent ripping.

Sick of slipping off galvanised rigs? Struggle to keep a hold of competition rigs? This could be your secret tool.

What makes antibacterial?

was created with a proprietary blend of essential oils, all selected because of their antibacterial and healing properties.

Lavender Oil - a great deodorizer and disinfectant.

Tea Tree Oil and Clove Oil - both have strong anti-fungal properties, making them obvious additions to the blend.

Oregano Oil - anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-microbial and antiseptic properties.

How long does a bar of last?

One bar of expected to last one to two months, or more. This assumes one initial application and subsequent applications of about 3 times per week.

How often do I need to reapply ?

Once a base is established, reapply before every bar-intensive workout.

Can I use chalk with ?

Yes. When initially applied to the bar, the bar should be clean and chalk-free. Once Wod Wax has been applied, you may use chalk on your hands. The use of chalk will not impact the performance of.

How much do I need to apply?

With the initial application of Wod Wax, you should begin to see small bumps of wax begin to build up. Subsequent applications should be a lighter coat to refresh the feel of the initial application. Full instructions can be found here.

How do you remove from the bar?

It's simple. Use a thick plastic card, or something like it, to scrape off from the bar.

Will come off on my hands?

No. Any wax applied to the bar will stay on the bar. There may be a slight residue or scent from the essential oils.

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