AG Peach Jam 450g



Made from only the finest fruit, ripened to perfection, and preserved for your enjoyment, All Gold quality jams are perfect for tea-time, breakfast or as treat for your kids.

Category: Jam, Syrup & Spreads

- Description
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- JAM SQUARES Description

Additional information Weight 0.5 kg JAM SQUARES


250 g / 2 cups Cake Wheat Flour
30 g Sugar
60 ml / ¼ cup Water
1 Egg
225 g butter
5 ml / 1 teaspoon Vanilla essence
Pinch of salt
7.5 ml / 1 teaspoon Baking powder
Apricot jam for spreading RECIPE INSTRUCTIONS

Pre-heat the oven to 180°C.

Sieve all the dry ingredients together. Rub the butter into the mixture until it resembles breadcrumbs.

Beat the egg and water together and add to the flour/butter mixture. Mix until they have formed a tight dough. Reserve about a quarter of the dough and store in the freezer.

Press the remaining dough into a greased baking sheet and...

Freds Fine Foods
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