Green Goddess: Lemon Thyme Bathroom & Shower Spray Cleaner Refill (500ml)
Hypoallergenic antibacterial bathroom & shower spray. Cleans surfacesbeautifully and hygienically without harsh chemicals.
Lemon Thyme Bathroom & Shower Spray Cleaner powered byessential oils.
Hypoallergenic, antibacterial, anti fungal spray. Hygienically cleansbathrooms, showers and toilets without harsh chemicals. Consistent use helps toprevent buildup and mould. Handcrafted with effective, natural ingredients,scented with a special blend of pure essential oils.
Spray on surfaces and wipe off. For use on showers, baths, basins, and aroundtoilets. For stubborn soap scum leave on for 3 minutes before scrubbing off. Doa spot test on porous or unsealed surfaces.
Now available in 200ml and 500ml concentrates, pour 50ml into your spraybottle add 450ml filtered water and shake. For refill hubs add 500ml concentrateto 4.5L filtered water and stir or shake to combine, makes 5L.
100% all natural ingredients.
No nasty chemicals to hinder the immune system.
Safe for those with allergies or sensitive skin.
Ingredients: Filtered water, hemp & coconut Castile, premium baking soda,and a powerful blend of antiseptic, antibacterial and anti fungalessential oils.
Comes in six options:
Glass 500ml with spray trigger
Glass Refill 500ml (standard cap, no trigger)
Glass Concentrate 200ml, makes 4 × 500ml spray cleaners
Glass Concentrate 500ml, makes 10 × 500ml spray cleaners or 5L forrefill hubs
For larger quantities please email us
Avoid contact with eyes. If contact does occur flush with water and contactyour doctor. Do not consume. Store away from children.
Handcrafted in NZ. Safer for you, your family and Mother Earth.
Free from palm oil, artificial fragrances, synthetic surfactants andpreservatives. Septic Safe. Cruelty Free. Vegan.