Xbox Heat Change Mug

The perfect mug for your next mid-game drinks break, the is a fantastic gift for video gamers!
When cold, this standard sized drinking mug has a black and green design thatfeatures plenty of Xbox imagery including controllers, buttons, and more.However, when hot, the mug turns bright green, featuring the console’s logoand a controller. This makes a fantastic gift for Xbox owners, and works nicelyas a stocking filler, or Secret Santa present.
Xbox is a world famous video game brand owned by Microsoft that has releaseda some incredibly successful games consoles. The original Xbox was released in2001, with its successor the Xbox 360 hitting shelves in 2005, and the mostrecent Xbox One coming out in 2013. The Xbox consoles have played host to someof the most popular video games of all time including some Xbox exclusives suchas the Halo series. The Xbox products are some of the most loved video gameconsoles of all time and currently over 40 million people use the Xbox onlineservice worldwide.
The an officially licensed Xbox product.