Vinalito Wine Aerating Pourer


Bring your wine to life!
Vinalito products are developed with the connoisseur in mind Aerating winebefore you serve will enhance your wine drinking experience.

You may notice that wine always tastes better the further down the bottle youget. This is because whilst standing, the wine has had time to aerate.

The Vinalito range helps to accelerate this process by aerating the wineinstantly, thus enabling your first glass of wine to taste as good asthe last.

Wines benefit from being aerated before being served to enhance the flavourand bouquet.

The Vinalito Aerator Pourer allows instant by-the-glass decanting.

Makes a unique Fathers/Mother­s/Valentines Day gift.

Why Aerate Wine?

- BETTER BOUQUET Sample the notes, you’ll appreciate thesubtle aromatic differences and the full aroma of the wine. The Vinalito™ WinePourer releases the wines intended flavours.
- ENHANCED FLAVOURS Once aerated you will notice a richer,smoother taste that you would normally only get from an expensive wine! The winewill taste as it was intended to and is more enjoyable!
- SMOOTHER FINISH Aeration is a very effective way ofsoftening tannins, eliminating any bitterness or unpleasant aftertaste.FeaturesNo mess! Features a removable splash-guard to allow air in, but nowine out.


- Features an air intake system to aerate as you pour.
- Improves the bouquet and flavour of the wine as your pour, by injecting airdirectly into the wine.
- Dripless pouring spout.


- Product Size: 15.5 × 4 × 5.5cm.
- Product Weight: 42g
- Material: Top quality food grade AS material.
- Features: Oxygenates wine in seconds.
- Cleaning: Rinse with warm soapy water.

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