Natural Extended Fermentation Castillo by Diofanor Ruiz


This coffee was grown by Diofanor Ruiz at the farm La Divisa. This coffee was exposed to a dry aerobic fermentation of 24 hours and later placed inside grain pro bags for 50 hours maintaining a temperature below 22c. Later placed on raised beds until ideal moisture content was achieved.

This microlot is 100% Castillo. This variety was developed by Federación Nacional de Cafeteros. It is more productive than Caturra and resistant to coffee leaf rust.

We think it tastes like..  Panela, Tropical, Dark Berries

Origin: Buenavista, Quindio, Colombia

Farm and Producer: La Divisa by Diofanor Ruiz

Botanical Cultivars: Castillo

Altitude: 1600-2000 m.a.s.l

Process: Natural Extended Fermentation

Soil Characteristics:  Volcanic Ash

Annual Rainfall:  1900-2200mm

Temperature: 16-24°C

Franks Coffee
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