Lily Bouquet


A stunning bouquet of five lily stems contrasted with lush greenery. Lilies are a popular sympathy gift for those who have recently experienced loss, whilst in other cultures it symbolizes purity and refined beauty. This arrangement is supplied with a sachet of flower food to help prolong the life of the flowers. Fox Road's lily bouquets are timeless and sure to be well received.

All our flower arrangements are made fresh to order and   come with a complimentary gift card. Once a product has been added, a message can be entered on the cart page prior to checkout.

Due to the delicate nature of flower arrangements, we are unable to send flowers outside the Wellington region. We can deliver flowers as far as Waikanae, Paraparaumu, Porirua, Wainuiomata and Upper Hutt.

Fox Road Flowers & Gift Basket...
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