Sonic Youth – The Destroyed Room B-Sides And Rarities

The Destroyed Room: B-sides And Rarities , a band-chosen collection of near-hidden Sonic Youth gems, is now available on Geffen Records. The album brings together songs from throughout the band's career with Geffen, focusing on tracks previously available only on vinyl, limited-release compilations, or as b-sides to international singles. The tracks were hand picked by the band and also include material that has never before been released. TRACKLIST Side 1: 1. Fire Engine Dream 2. Fauxhemians 3. Is It My Body? 4. Doctor's Orders (T-Vox) Side 2: 5. Razor Blade 6. Blink 7. Campfire 8. Loop Cat Side 3: 9. Kim's Chords 1 0. Beautiful Plateau 11. Three-Part Sectional Love Seat 12. Queen Anne Chair Side 4: 13. The Diamond Sea alternate ending The double LP features two bonus tracks: 'Doctor's Orders (T vox)' and 'Is it my Body?.' Only available on vinyl.
Flying Nun Records
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