Robert Scott - The Green House


Robert Scott, that great musician from the south, frontman of The Bats, the centre point of The Clean, now has a new solo album, The Green House.

“Robert Scott never stops surprising – as a solo artist he’s found a new gear. On his first album, The Creeping Unknown, he experimented, for the next Ends Run Together he produced a terrifically assured work of pop-rock. The Green House is another excellent set of songs: the mood is quieter, and it draws you in with intimate tales of the heart set in the weather and wide skies of the south – a record of darkness and light, beautifully played out and accentuated with the aid of the voice of Tiny Ruins." – Richard Langston

Indeed Tiny Ruins (Hollie Fullbrook) adds the perfect accompaniment, appearing on half of the albums 12 tracks. And shes not the only guest appearance either with extra guitar lines thanks to Tristan Dingemans (HDU), with drums provided by Rob Falconer. All expertly engineered and mastered by Dale Cotton (The Bats, David Kilgour) in Roberts home of Port Chalmers, Dunedin.

Flying Nun Records
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