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Supplying New Zealand with beautiful Live Aquarium Fish & Live Plants. As well as Fish & Reptile products. At Fishly, we make shopping online for your Fish easy. With selections including Cichlids, Tetras, Arowana & Discus. As well as Fish foods, Fish Tank Filters and other fish keeping necessities
1 to 17 of 17
  • $179.99 +
    Rusty Pleco (L310)
    9-10cmOverviewThe Rusty Plec is known from the Paraguay and middle Paraná River basins. Provide a mature aquarium with plenty of shady hiding places amongst tangles of bogwood (essential as part of the diet of this fish), rocky caves, PVC pipes, and bamboo tubes. Unfortunately, most plants will b...
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  • $329.99 +
    Mutuca Pleco (LDA010)
    8-10cmOverview CareCare Level: ModerateTemperament: PeacefulColour Form: Tan, Grey, RedDiet: OmnivoreMax Size: 10cmOrigin: South AmericaTank Size: 150LTemperature: 20-26cpH: 6.2-7.6 Product Photo is for reference only. Exact fish may vary in size and colour
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  • $74.99 +
    Super Schwartzi Cory
    Overview Schwartz's Cory is known from the Rio Puras, a tributary of the Amazon River in Brazil. This peaceful species is ideal for the mature community aquarium, and should be maintained in groups of 5 or more due to shoaling nature. Unfortunately, it can be a little prone to barbel infections/eros...
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  • $74.99 +
    Tropheus Murago Congo
    Tropheus Moori Murago Congo CareCare Level: ModerateTemperament: ModerateColour Form: Black, Grey, GreenDiet: HerbivoreMax Size: 15cmOrigin: AfricaFamily: CichlidaeTank Size: 250LTemperature: 24-30cpH: 7.8-8.5  Product Photo is for reference only
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  • $149.99 +
    Cupid Cichlid (Peru)
    OverviewA beautiful and peaceful medium-sized cichlid, the Cupid Cichlid is found throughout much of the middle Amazon basin and its tributaries. A social species, they tend to do best in groups and will coexist with a variety of similarly peaceful cichlids or other fish species. They occur in vario...
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  • $179.99 +
    Cupid Cichlid (Brazil)
    OverviewA beautiful and peaceful medium-sized cichlid, the Cupid Cichlid is found throughout much of the middle Amazon basin and its tributaries. A social species, they tend to do best in groups and will coexist with a variety of similarly peaceful cichlids or other fish species. They occur in vario...
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  • $119.99 +
    Red Fin Otocinclus
    5cm - Parotocinclus MaculicaudaOverviewAlso known as the Red Fin Pleco, similar in behavior and shape to the various Otocinclus species, Parotocinclus maculicauda can be differentiated by the addition of an adipose fin, red tinted fins and a red spot on the caudal peduncle. They can be considered as...
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  • $49.99 +
    Bucktooth Tetra
    OverviewA medium-sized predatory characin found throughout the Amazon Basin, the or Exodon is a schooling fish and best kept in a group. In the wild, they feed off the fins, scales of larger fish. In the aquarium, they are best kept in a species tank, as they will harass most tankmates. They will re...
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  • $139.99 +
    Carpintis Cichlid
    OverviewHerichthys carpintis, or the Pearlscale cichlid, is a freshwater fish belonging to the cichlid family of Cichlidae. It can be found in areas of South America such as Costa Rica and Panama and grows to an average length of 35 cm (13.9 inches). The Pearlscale cichlid naturally feeds on algae, ...
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  • $139.99 +
    Banded Archer
    OverviewArcherfish are known worldwide for their spectacular behavior of shooting down their prey with precise accuracy. There are many species of Archer fish and many are native to Australia. The Toxotes Jaculatrix is one of these Australian species which is a great archer for aquariums. These phen...
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  • $16.99 +
    Hastatus Cory
    Overview One of the most active and attractively marked of the Pygmy Cory species, the Tail Spot or Black Diamond Pygmy Cory is found only in the Rio Guapore basin in Southern Brazil, where they occur in huge shoals of hundreds or even thousands of individuals. Unlike most Corydoras, they tend to sw...
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  • $99.99 +
    Apistogramma Elizabethae (Females)
    Females only left. OverviewApistogramma elizabethae or Elizabeth’s Apisto is one of the more attractively colored Dwarf Cichlids in the hobby, with mature males displaying vivid red and blue coloration and elaborate extended fins. A hardy and relatively peaceful species, they are ideal for smal...
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