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Supplying New Zealand with beautiful Live Aquarium Fish & Live Plants. As well as Fish & Reptile products. At Fishly, we make shopping online for your Fish easy. With selections including Cichlids, Tetras, Arowana & Discus. As well as Fish foods, Fish Tank Filters and other fish keeping necessities
1 to 24 of 26
  • $59.99 +
    Black Ghost Knife
    4cmOverviewThe fish is a member of the Apteronotidae family and the speckled knifefish group. It is considered a true bony fish. When properly cared for, the fish can reach well over one foot in length. It possesses a weak electrical organ at the caudal peduncles which is used to locate food.It requ...
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  • $99.99 +
    Clown Knife
    10cmOverviewKnifefish are some of the most interesting freshwater aquarium fish available. Their unique “knife blade" body shape and ability to swim backwards using their undulating bottom fin make them fascinating additions to appropriate aquarium communitiesCareCare Level: ModerateTemperament: S...
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  • $24.99 +
    Royal Red Gourami
    OverviewOriginating in India, West Bengal, Assam, and Bangladesh, the dwarf gourami are native to thickly vegetated waters. This gourami is a rather peaceful fish that is very comical to watch as a juvenile. Gouramis are considered Labyrinth Fish, meaning they breathe directly from the air and shoul...
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  • $24.99 +
    Blue Ram
    Cichlids, also known as Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi, are a popular freshwater fish species known for their bright colors and peaceful nature. They are native to the Orinoco River basin in South America. Care for Cichlids involves providing them with a suitable tank setup, appropriate water conditions, a...
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  • $9.99 +
    Green Neon Tetra
    OverviewThe green neon tetra (Paracheirodon simulans) is a freshwater fish of the family Characidae. It is native to the upper Orinano and Negro Rivers in South America.This fish is similar in appearance to the closely related and better-known Neon Tetra, but it is slightly smaller, and its red patc...
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  • $3.99 +
    Neon Tetra
    OverviewThe often described as the jewel of the aquarium hobby. It is easy to see why it is one of the most popular freshwater tropical fish. With its iridescent blue body and bright red tail, Paracheirodon innesi creates an exciting splash of color in any aquarium, especially when kept in schools o...
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  • $11.99 +
    Rummynose Tetra
    OverviewThe Brilliant Rummy-Nose Tetra gets its name from the red blushing across its nose and face. But its beautiful coloration does not end there. Hemigrammus bleheri has a mirror-like silver body and a jet-black tail striped with white. This color pattern adds a simple, yet striking beauty to an...
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  • $24.99 +
    Geophagus Surinamensis
    Overview, also known as the Redstriped Eartheater is one of the more peaceful species of cichlid to keep. It is called Eartheater for its habit of taking mouthfuls of sand and gravel to search for food. The species is prized for its beautiful, almost neon markings, peaceful nature, and low maintenan...
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  • $6.99 +
    Spotted Kyathit Danio
    Overview The Kyathit Orange Finned Danio is a very attractive fish best described perhaps as the Zebra Danio Danio rerio in “High Definition." The Kyathit Orange Finned Danio boasts a similarly striped pattern to the Zebra Danio but differs from the classic freshwater favorite by sporting irregula...
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  • $44.99 +
    Pink Tuxedo Guppy (Trio)
    1 Male, 2 FemaleOverviewSimilar to other Fancy Guppies, this Guppy does best in an established aquarium of at least 60L. Though tolerant of small changes, care should be taken to maintain stable water parameters. Hardy Plant Varities such as Java Fern and Java Moss are excellent choices for creating...
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  • $19.99 +
    Adolfoi Cory
    OverviewThe Cat comes from the tributaries of the Rio Negro and Rio Uaupes in South America and is a peaceful bottom dwelling scavenger. The Adolfoi is mostly pale in color and has one black stripe covering the back and another across the eyes.The Cat requires a well-planted aquarium with plenty of ...
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  • $24.99 +
    Loxozonus Cory
    Overview Corydoras loxozonus will grow up to 1.8 inches in length. They have the ability to tilt their eyes which looks like blinking. These fish are facultative air breathers, they have a highly vascularized intestine that facilitates uptake of atmospheric oxygen so they will often go to the surfac...
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  • $17.99 +
    Black Line Flying Fox
    OverviewCrossochelius is a bone fish with a very elongated body, mouth with 2 pairs of beetles. The livery is grey in color, dark on the back and light silver on the belly, large scales, dorsal fins and transparent anal, has a clear black horizontal stripe runs along the sides, from head to caudal f...
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  • $24.99 +
    Cobalt Blue Dwarf Gourami
    OverviewThe Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami, is a color variation of the Dwarf Gourami, and is an iridescent powder blue fish with red vertical stripes. This is a peaceful, shy fish that if in a pair will swim together. Powder Blue Dwarf Gouramis are considered Labyrinth Fish, meaning they breathe directl...
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  • $8.99 +
    Columbian Tetra
    OverviewThe gets its name from its bright red tail, and its reflective body. Perfect for the community aquarium, this hardy Tetra will be a great choice for the beginner to the expert aquarist.A planted aquarium of at least 20 gallons will be the ideal environment for the . Rocks and driftwood help ...
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  • $18.99 +
    Orange Venezuela Cory
    Overview The Orange Venezuelan Catfish is a very peaceful schooling fish that is compatible with most nano aquarium animals, including dwarf cichlids and angelfish. It might prey on some smaller dwarf shrimp, but is safe with larger shrimp and most other peaceful ornamental invertebrates. It is a cl...
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  • $18.99 +
    Julii Cory
    OverviewThe Cat exudes personality that adds interest to the lower regions of your aquarium. With its pleasing pattern of mottled black dots and stripes upon a silver body, the Cat is a visually striking and entertaining addition to the freshwater aquarium.The Cat comes from the tributaries of large...
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  • $49.99 +
    Butterfly Pleco (L168)
    OverviewButterfly pleco have been around for many years and are one the most colourful pleco that are kept in the aquarium as compared to the common pleco which many keepers find drab in comparison. Their body is covered in clearly defined black and white stripes making them very appealing to owners...
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  • $7.99 +
    Tiger Barb
    OverviewThe silver/gold with black stripes and orange accented fins. They are a very lively, playful fish that prefers to be in schools.They prefer a well-planted tank of at least 30 gallons with soft, slightly acidic water. Rocks and driftwood can be added to the aquarium, but leave plenty of space...
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  • $15.99 +
    Congo Tetra
    OverviewThe considered by many to be the jewel of tetras in the home aquarium because of its natural beauty. They have flowing fins that some have described as shimmering and the main color tends to be silver with an orange glow.s do well in a peaceful community aquarium that is well lit and moderat...
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  • $7.50 +
    Pearl Danio
    OverviewThe , also known as the Blue Danio or Turquiose Danio, is a slender-bodied, active, schooling fish ideal for the community aquarium.Native to streams and pools, the does well with other Danio species and other peaceful fish of similar size. Kept with others in a school, this fish will be ...
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  • $6.99 +
    Striped Kyathit Danio
    OverviewThe Kyathit Orange Finned Danio is a very attractive fish best described perhaps as the Zebra Danio Danio rerio in “High Definition." The Kyathit Orange Finned Danio boasts a similarly striped pattern to the Zebra Danio but differs from the classic freshwater favorite by sporting irregular...
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  • $13.99 +
    Albino Aeneus Cory
    OverviewThe Cat comes from the tributaries of the Amazon river and is a peaceful bottom dwelling scavenger. The Albino variety is mostly white to pink, and has multiple barbels around the mouth.The Aeneus Cory Cat requires a well planted aquarium with plenty of hiding places that provide relief from...
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  • $24.99 +
    Bolivian Butterfly Ram
    OverviewThe Bolivian Ram, also called the Butterfly Ram and the Red Ram, is a social fish that will form pairs and often remains "faithful" to each other. Bolivian Rams are golden brown in color with reddish highlights on the dorsal and caudal fins and pearly turquoise-blue highlights on the pelv...
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