Premium DE Razor Blade Sampler Pack (50 Blades)


Not happy with the usual bulk DE razor blades ?
Here is a selection of Premium razor blades from mild to very sharp. More expensive but you will notice the difference.

Set includes 50 Premium DE Razor Blades:

10x Feather Hi-Stainless Platinum Blades
These blades have earned their legendary status of "King of the blades".
Made in Japan

5x Gillette Silver Blue Razor Blades
One of the Sharpest and Best from Gillette!
Made in Russia

10x Merkur Razor Blades

5x Perma-Sharp Blades
Populare in Turkey.
Made in Russia

5x Gillette Nacet Stainless
Made in Russia

10x Mühle Stainless Razor Blades
High performance and long-lasting sharpness yet very smooth.
Made in the Czech Republic

5x Gillette Platinum Razor Blades
Very sharp blades, less aggressive than Feather which gives a nice and comfortable shave.
Made in Russia

Fits any traditional double edge safety razor including Merkur, Edwin Jagger, Muhle, Parker, Weishi and more.

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