The 800 LX LED PAR Case takes up to 60 LED PARS in one 800 Front Loader Case. 

The adjustable divider kit provides up to 20 pockets that can hold up to three LED PARS each, giving you the ability to fit a total of a whopping 60 LED PARS in one case!

We can make you custom dividers to suit your fixture. In the photo, each pocket accommodates 3 x AX5 Pars so that the full case takes up to 60 Astera AX5 fixtures. 

Got the Astera AX9? We can make dividers that accommodate up to 36 x AX9 fixtures. 

This case is compatible with other major LED fixtures, including Chauvet Professional COLORdash Par, ETC Connect ColorSource Par, and Elation Par Wash LEDs. 

A removable door with fold-out legs clips onto the side to make an ultra-sturdy desk. This means you'll always have the convenient addition of a workspace right next to your equipment, which is especially great for when you need to address the DMX settings of your lights.

Since Fiasco cases are built to such a high quality, they frequently outlive the gear inside them - that's why versatility is crucial to us! When your needs change, simply remove or re-arrange the divider kit to increase the lifespan of your case.

A perfect fit in any transport, 800 Cases are optimised for 2.4m Truck Packology:

- Pack 4 side-by-side in 2400mm box trucks and semi-trailers
- Pack 3 end-to-end in 2400mm box trucks and semi-trailers

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