Tropiclean Oral Gel Dogs 59ml

Clean teeth, fresh breath, no brushing !
Our Fresh Breath Clean Teeth Oral Care Gel has a unique blend of powerful, natural ingredients that removes and defends against plaque and tartar, providing fresh breath for friendlier smooches.

No Chemical Nasties & No invasive brushing !

How to use :

Simply remove water prior to brushing then squeeze an adequate amount of gel in either side of mouth & let them work it around. After a short time replace their water bowl.

Easy ! If teeth are very yellow use more frequently until the desired result or an initial brush may be required.

Talk to us about whether a diet change may be required if this is an ongoing issue, as some ingredients in many in petfoods contribute to this problem. A simple change may be all that is required to prevent further build up.
The FeedShack Rangiora
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