Tagiwig Ears 25ml

A natural remedy for ear mites and ear inflammation. Ears is a homeopathic blend designed specifically to support the normal immune response of an animal that is suffering from ear mites, ear inflammation, offensive smells and discharge.

Many pets can develop sore ears or ear mites. This can be from an incorrect diet, allergies, foreign objects in the ear, an inherited weakness or the shape of the ear canal. Ear mites can quite often be identified as a discharge that looks like ground up coffee. Pets can be miserable with the pain and inflammation associated with this problem, have itching that damages the ears and second bacterial infections can set in.

All our remedies have been developed by a fully qualified Animal Homeopath and Herbalist.

Handmade in NZ.

Ears comes in a liquid form, as we find this is the easiest way to administer.

Homeopathic ingredients:
Calc carb, Conium, Graphites, Hep Sulph, Kali mur and Pulsatilla

Preserved in a mild alcohol base. Alcohol / Spring water

Dosage: 4 drops 2 times daily for up to 7 days.

How long will a bottle last: (based on 7 days as 1 course)
Cats and dogs : 7 x 7 day courses per bottle

General Disclaimer: Our remedies are designed to support the natural immune system of your pet and animal. We do not claim to treat, medicate or cure any health conditions. If you are worried about your pet or feel they are in pain or suffering please contact your veterinarian.
The FeedShack Rangiora
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