3KW MLS Off-Grid Hybrid Solar Inverter 48V


This Low-Fequency off-grid solar inverter/charger features the combined functions of a 3KW pure sine wave inverter, 80A MPPT solar charger and 40A AC battery charger to offer an uninterruptible power supply. The built in transformer allows for a 5 second 9KVA surge when using devices or appliances that have high start up current.

Electronically and Galvanically Isolated
Customisable charging parameters to work with any battery type
1.0 Power Factor
Load power balancing function between solar and AC input source
Can work without battery when used as a single unit
80A MPPT for 4500W of solar conversion
Up to six units can be paralleled together for more energy output on a single phase or three phase set up.
Grid/Generator compatible for back up
Deliver 12kW of energy with the combined inverter mode AC Bypass mode.
Two AC outputs for essential and non-essential loads
AC Coupling creates a micro-grid to keep a grid connected system working in the event of power failure
131,000 hours design life
Passive cooling with fan assist
Optional Wifi monitoring


Battery Voltage: 48VDC
Rated Power: 3KVA/3000W
Surge Power: 9KVA for 5 seconds
Waveform: Pure sine wave
AC Output Voltage: 230VAC
Inverter Efficiency(Peak):94%
No Load Consumption

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