Eliminate Chocolate - Low FODMAP Meal Replacement


Eliminate is a medically formulated Low FODMAP Meal Replacement smoothie powder.

A simple, effective way to safely remove dietary triggers. Carefully formulated to minimise common gut irritants while still delivering complete nutrition.

Chocolate flavour -

A velvety, dark chocolate, with the perfect balance of cocoa. A slightly richer smoothie, without being too sweet.

Use for -

Weight loss (low FODMAP alternative to FastFx and Optifast) or

Low FODMAP nutrition or

As part of an Elimination Diet

Packed with 17 vitamins and minerals, protein, gut friendly fibre, amino acids but still low FODMAP and with no common allergens.

Designed by Gastroenterologists, certified Low FODMAP by Monash University with every ingredient backed by robust science.

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