Infinity Loop 10mm x 25cm Ø 10K


The EXPLOREY Infinity Loop is exactly what it says. A strong powerful loop. They have all sorts of uses and many we haven't thought of. Send photos of yours in use!

Loop these around anything and double it up for increased pulling strength. Great for creating a hang or grab point and can be wrapped around finished surfaces without damaging them - locked with a stitch splice for a secure hold.

Infinity Loop Uses:

- Grab handles
- Tie-down pull point for ATVs/Bikes

- Chassis wrap
- Engine lifts
- Runner Pulleys

For Maine uses:

- Pulleys on claw track, jib track, boom and spars
- Backstays and long runners to hoist blocks
- Strapping pulleys and low-friction rings

This loop has a diameter of 25cm Ø (10")

Termination 10,000kg (W.L.L 5:1 Safety 2,500kg

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