McBoaty Boat Winch Rope | 6mm x 6metres - 3,900kg


The Explorey “McBoaty" retrieval boat winch ropes is a synthetic marine winch rope. Named after the hilarious polar research ship naming disaster. We make them from our improved UHMWPE pre-stretched line with our proprietary “Snake-Glaze" anti-fuzz/anti-abrasion armour. Developed for the demanding, extreme conditions brought on by 4x4 expeditions, we have designed this rope with more resistance to saltwater, UV damage, grit and sand. Each line is equipped with a marine steel s-hook or rated clipped hook to ensure each rope can withstand the tension loads which your boat will never put it through. We upgraded and rated them just for fun.

Our marine series ropes are designs and tested in the most extreme sea salt environments to give you the best wear protection ropes available on the market.


- Marine Grade S-hooks and clips
- Marine Grade mounting lug (you can easily splice this into a line loop)
- Our proprietary UHMWPE improved rope with advanced anti-wear armour
- Resistance to UV damage, grit, sand and general abrasion
- Deliberately over-rated for any real-world boat retrieval tension loads
- Extremely light and will float on water

Minimum breaking strength ratings:
4mm rated past 1,800kg
6mm rated past 3,900kg
8mm rated past 6,800kg

We recommend buying a spare to throw in the back of the truck just in case the unthinkable happened (like an angry local cutting your line). These are light, affordable, repairable and easy to replace.

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