Collagen Boost Bestsellers


Enriched with active ingredients to boost your skin's natural collagen production, try our dynamic day and night time moisturiser duo to help reduce the visible signs of ageing.

Plant-based extracts such as Rosehip Oil, Schisandra Chinensis Berry Oil and Plant Peptides help to improve elasticity and firmness in your skin, improving the appearance of youthful-looking skin for longer.

This bundle contains the following products:

Collagen Boost Day Crème

Clinically proven to:

- Provide intense moisturisation
- Reinforce the skin's natural protective layers
- Improve firmness and elasticity


Collagen Boost Night Crème

Clinically proven to:

- Provide 60% more moisturisation after 42 days
- Improve firmness & elasticity after 6 weeks
- Protect 50% of papillary elastic fibres and 35% of reticular elastic fibres

ex-vivo clinical result
in-vitro clinical result


New to Collagen Boost? Find out more here.

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