Wrist Spikey


The Kaiko Spikey for wrist helps with self-regulation, calming, focus, concentration, tactile awareness and as a substitution for unhealthy/unhelpful behaviours. I t can also be helpful in reducing pain & disturbed sensation in arms and muscles. Some ways to use the wrist spikey.

- Roll up & down the arm
- Rub between two palms
- Hold in one or two hands to fidget
- Wear on wrist or ankle & flick
- Place on wrist or ankle & twist around (similar to a 'Chinese burn') applying varying degrees of pressure dependent on preference. This technique has been particularly helpful for some in minimising self harm. It can provide the 'hurt' without the harm to the skin. Of course, the spikey fidget does not replace accessing professional help. It is a useful tool for the kit bag.
- Rub it on parts of body to replace picking, such as lips

Please note if wearing the wrist spikey for any period of time that it is important to monitor the skin to ensure it it is not compromising circulation. Many who like this also like the Kaiko Spikey for finger.

Also touted to have remedial benefit, stimulating acupressure points & assisting with circulation. These are stretchy but firm.

Equipment Plus
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