Happiness is a Regular Complete Bowel Motion Book

The Ultimate Bowel Book Happiness is a complete and regular bowel motion, by Peter Edwards, ND

The book of hope and recovery for all who suffer from digestive and bowel problems.

Do you, or anyone you know, suffer from:

Irritable bowel syndrome, feeling bloated, constipation, bowel problems, flatulence, indigestion, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, redundant bowel or any other bowel or digestive problems.

This book will be the most fascinating and interesting book you will ever read on the subject of bowel problems. Full explanations, diagrams and photos will help you understand these conditions and start heading toward a full recovery.

Written with passion by Peter Edwards, an Australian Naturopath, who writes and shares how he not only cured himself of 30 years of serious digestive and bowel problems but how this discovery did more for his total health than anything else in more than a quarter of a century of research and experience in the science of health.

We are confident that this book will do more for your total health than any other book you will read.

It is estimated that 80% of people in the Western world suffer from bowel problems and that 90% of these problems could be avoided by having a regular daily bowel motion. Are you suffering in silence?

Peter Edwards states:

“Writing this book has been the most rewarding experience of all the books I have written so far. As I consider the experiences and recovery stories of my many patients I have treated over the past quarter of a century, something becomes crystal clear and significant. All improved and recovered, even many that had so-called ‘incurable diseases’ all with the same treatment. I showed these people how to effectively improve their digestion, assimilation and elimination".

A good bowel motion is possible every day with just the use of water, it is a gift from heaven to learn of such a simple remedy, but it must be done right. p221

In this book you will learn:

- How to restore digestive and bowel functions
- The water treatment
- 10 essential habits to improve digestion
- Healthy feeding plan for complete digestion
- Bowel motion every day
- Great movement for great motions
- How to become regular

When was the last time you had an in depth, intelligent, informative discussion about your daily bowel function

Ephraim Health Services
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