Exploring Creation with Physics, 2nd Edition


Apologia’s award-winning Physics curriculum is written to your student in a conversational tone and cultivates independent learning. Apologia's Exploring Creation with Physics , 2nd Edition, course is designed to provide them with a foundational understanding of physics while also preparing them for college-level physics and the ACT. Some of the key concepts they will learn about in this course are one and two-dimensional motion, Newton’s laws and their applications in nature, work and energy, electricity, magnetism, momentum, periodic motion, waves, and optics. What’s Included In Apologia’s , Basic Set?

This Homeschool Curriculum Basic Set includes:

- Softcover Student Textbook
- Solutions and Tests
- Test Pages (included with the manual)

When used together, these items provide your student with an optimal homeschool learning experience. Curriculum Overview

Because the science of physics is an attempt to explain everything that is observed in nature, this text is an overview of the advances made over the last three thousand years! When your student completes Apologia’s physics course, your student will be able to relate velocity, acceleration, time, and displacement, use mathematical equations for one-dimensional motion, understand and apply Newton’s Laws, and be able to see the strong connection between math and science. Lesson Plans and Materials

The , Softcover Student Textbook is written in a conversational format with the author talking directly to your student. We guide them through key learning strategies like how to think critically about what they are learning, identify important parts of the information presented, take meaningful notes, and complete experiments. Hands-on Experiments

Throughout this course, your student will connect textbook instruction with hands-on experiments for maximum learning. No special equipment is necessary. Solutions and Tests

The Solutions and Tests for , contains answers to Study Guide questions, module summaries, test solutions, and a set of student test pages.

PLEASE NOTE: Once the shrink wrap is removed, this product is not eligible for return. Easy Grading

Complete, step-by-step grading rubrics are provided in the Solutions and Test Manual to you as the parent, guiding you as you calculate your student’s module grade.

Engaging Minds Nz
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