Personal Healing session - Onsite


NOTE: Please make contact prior to purchasing a session to check availability for your ideal day/time.

This is for one session onsite in our healing room by appointment.

Your body is amazing ! It is wired and designed to to heal itself! The ability of your body to maintain its health and overcome illness is, in fact, among nature's most remarkable feats!

However, we have been placed in a World that systematically interferes with this natural capacity, and your conscious involvement in your health is required if you are to truly prosper. Lifestyle , emotional and physicals stress of everyday living, and one's environment, can also play a very big part in our health

Energy Healing is a wonderful way to obtain, and maintain optimum health and well being and to help bring your full system back on track

It works on all levels of healing; the Emotional, which can be a result of our stressful lives and lifestyle, grief, job loss, worry and anxieties, through to the Physical in the case of injury, illness or accident, to the Spiritual, as in the general feeling of peace, tranquility and relaxation felt after a Healing.

Personal Energy Healing can bring a sense of balance and harmony back to the physical body and Soul.

Ideally you may wish to make contact first to ensure your ideal date/time are available. Sessions can take between 1 1/2 - 2 hours so please allow time.

On purchase of a Personal onsite healing session, you will be sent a Client form for information to prepare for your session. This means that your session will be all about you, and not form filling.

Energy Works Nz
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