Chakra Balance Distant session

An easy convenient, effective way to maintain your Chakra health and balance. Location is no problem.

Distant healing can sometimes be a difficult concept to conceive. However when it comes to energy, there are no boundaries or limitations.

An easy and effective way to look after yourself during these challenging and uncertain times. Too busy to go for a personal session? Location making it difficult to get some support? No problem. This distant Chakra session is the perfect solution!

The condition of our chakras changes constantly, depending on our emotions and what we are experiencing in our lives at any given time. However we all need a 'tune up' every so often, and as our Chakras are our engines, our power houses, it is important to endevour to keep them in a good healthy state.

In these challenging times it us even more important to maintain our health physically, mentally and energetically.

This is also ideal for your animal as well.

You can enjoy a distant Chakra balance in the comfort and privacy of your own home.
Everyone can benefit from chakra balancing. You do not need to be suffering from an illness to have your chakras balanced, realigned or healed.
However, chakra balancing will be particularly helpful to those who are experiencing physical, mental or emotional stress and. It will also help those who may feel disconnected from themselves or others.

Physical and emotional stress can all be reflected in your Chakra energy system.
When our energy system is out of balance our overall health, mental, physical and emotional can be affected.
In these cases, one or more of our Chakras may be spinning too slow, or too fast or be congested so that it is not functioning as well.
A healthy flowing Chakra system is essential for optimum physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing

NOTE: This session is for full distant Chakra Balance only.
It does not cover general or specific healing or any other healing work.
Location or distance is no problem.

What I need:
All that is required is your name, location and a photo.

What you receive:

- A full energy clearing,
- Check, clear, rebalance, restore full Chakra system
- Check and reactivation (if required) of the Vagus nerve and meridian system,
- A Soul Retrieval.
- Realign/balance auric/energy fields back with the physical body.
- An oracle card with a personal message is included in your session (for humans).

After your session, a brief email report is sent out to you highlighting any areas that required extra attention.
An information sheet on each chakras purpose is also sent to you at the same time for your general information.

Energy Works Nz
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